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Data: 16 Mag 2024

English Reading Club - May 2024

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copertina libro The English Teacher di Narayan


Every month a group of willing and hungry readers gather to discuss a new book, have a nice chat and practice their English. New members are welcome!

This month's book of choice is The English Teacher by Rasipuram K. Narayan (1945).

The protagonist, Krishna, is an English teacher at the same college he had attended as a student. Although Krishna has recently married, his wife Susila and their daughter live with his parents-in-law some miles away. The story opens with his immediate family deciding to join him in Malgudi. Krishna is initially frightened by his new state of affairs, but he soon finds that his love for both his wife and child grows deeper than he could have imagined.

Rasipuram Krishnaswami Iyer Narayanaswami, better known as R. K. Narayan, was an Indian writer and novelist known for his work set in the fictional South Indian town of Malgudi.

Narayan highlights the social context and everyday life of his characters. He has been compared to William Faulkner who created a similar fictional town and likewise explored with humor and compassion the energy of ordinary life. Narayan's short stories have been compared with those of Guy de Maupassant because of his ability to compress a narrative.

In a career that spanned over sixty years Narayan received many awards and honours including the AC Benson Medal from the Royal Society of Literature, the Padma Vibhushan and the Padma Bhushan, India's second and third highest civilian awards, and in 1994 the Sahitya Akademi Fellowship, the highest honour of India's National Academy of Letters. He was also nominated to the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament.


Thursday 16th May 2024, 6.00 pm at the library Biblioteca Internazionale Ilaria Alpi. The meeting will take place at the library but there is also the possibility to join it online. For information write us at bibliotecainternazionale@comune.parma.it or call us at 0521 031984/83.

Biblioteca Internazionale Ilaria Alpi - Vicolo delle Asse 5, 43121 Parma, Italy

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