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Data: 27 Gen 2022

English Reading Club - January 2022

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Every month a group of willing and hungry readers gather to discuss a new book, have a nice chat and practice their English. New members are welcome! 
This month's book of choice is: "Afterlives" (2020) by Abdulrazak Gurnah.
Restless, ambitious Ilyas was stolen from his parents by the Schutzruppe askari, the German colonial troops; after years away, he returns to his village to find his parents gone, and his sister Afiya given away.
Hamza was not stolen, but was sold; he has come of age in the schutztruppe, at the right hand of an officer whose control has ensured his protection but marked him for life.
The century is young. The Germans and the British and the French and the Belgians and whoever else have drawn their maps and signed their treaties and divided up Africa. As they seek complete dominion they are forced to extinguish revolt after revolt by the colonised. The conflict in Europe opens another arena in east Africa where a brutal war devastates the landscape. Hamza does not have words for how the war ended for him. Returning to the town of his childhood, all he wants is work, however humble, and security - and the beautiful Afiya.
As these interlinked friends and survivors come and go, live and work and fall in love, the shadow of a new war lengthens and darkens, ready to snatch them up and carry them away.
A seguito del Decreto Legge n. 105 del 23 luglio 2021, per partecipare in presenza ai gruppi di lettura è necessario essere munuiti di una delle certificazioni verdi Covid-19 (Green-Pass). Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui.

Every month a group of willing and hungry readers gather to discuss a new book, have a nice chat and practice their English. New members are welcome! 

This month's book of choice is: "Night Boat to Tangier" (Canon Gate, 2019) by Kevin Barry.

It’s late one night at the Spanish port of Algeciras and two fading Irish gangsters are waiting on the boat from Tangier. A lover has been lost, a daughter has gone missing, their world has come asunder – can it be put together again?

“A blackly comic journey into the abyss … Beautifully written … Barry is a clarvoyant narrator of the male psyche and a consistent lyrical visionary … What distinguishes this book beyond its humour, terror and beauty of description is its moral perception … It is a plunging spiritual immersion into the parlous souls of wrongful men.”

The Guardian


In ottemperanza al D.L. n. 172 del 26/11/2021 l’accesso all’incontro è subordinato al possesso della Certificazione Verde da avvenuta vaccinazione o guarigione (Green Pass Rafforzato) in corso di validità. Inoltre, in rispetto del D.L. n. 221 del 24/12/2021, i partecipanti dovranno indossare dispositivi di protezione delle vie respiratorie di tipo FFP2.


Thursday, January 27th 2022, 6.00 pm at the library Biblioteca Internazionale Ilaria Alpi. For information write to us at bibliotecainternazionale@comune.parma.it or call us at 0521 031984.

Biblioteca Internazionale Ilaria Alpi - Vicolo delle Asse 5, 43121 Parma, Italy

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