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Fiction, bestsellers, modern and contemporary literature; languages, multimedia language courses, Italian for foreigners, dictionaries; religions, with works in spoken languages and in sacred and traditional languages; society, institutions, populations and migration, education, popular literatures and traditions; cuisine and nutrition; sports, leisure activities, gardening; history, local history; geography and tourism; comics and graphic novels.  



Dedicated to children and school-age kids, it holds about 800 volumes of fiction, dictionaries, reference works, encyclopaedias, and books about different themes and areas of interest: nature, peoples and civilizations, languages, religions, geography and astronomy, fairy tales, stories, magazines and audio books. There is a great number of novels and stories of graduated reading difficulty and of Audio CDs (beginners, simple, intermediate and advanced material) which are particularly useful for children learning any of the main foreign languages or Italian.  This area has furnishings that are suited to even the youngest children, with carpets, small chairs and a fun house where they can look through a book or have it read to them. 



For those who are having difficulty in finding texts suited to their needs, the library provides printed materials with special typographic features that can make reading easier. This section includes books printed with large and  easy to read characters, which become an important resource for the visually impaired, the elderly and for those who have limited eyesight



Our "Braille" section consists of texts transcoded in the "braille" tactile writing system. There are about volumes assigned to the Library by the University of Parma.



Art, history, food and tourism all centered on the city of Parma. A series of books written in popular foreign languages for all of those who want to know Parma, even if they do not speak Italian.



Section with: multiple copies of the texts adopted by the University of Parma for language exams in all languages??, including publications of teachers, multiple copies of texts and multimedia materials for the achievement of all the most important language certificates in all languages and all levels to study abroad including the suitability of the Italian language certificates for access to the University of Florence, Siena, Perugia and Rome; all entrance test for the faculties of the University of Parma and for entrance exams at Bocconi University and Luiss.



Here there are foreign newspapers and magazines, audio books, audiovisual material and electronic access to over 800 newspapers from around the world. 

Biblioteca Internazionale Ilaria Alpi - Vicolo delle Asse 5, 43121 Parma, Italy

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