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Intercultural services

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Servizi Interculturali 1

The International Library proposes itself as a "bridge between the cultures of the world", a place of exchange, dialogue, meeting and sharing and that is why it promotes mutual understanding and intercultural communication between Italian citizens and foreign nationals.

Acting in a cross-cultural perspective, we are committed to enhancing the diversity and different traditions in order to promote and support the ethically sustainable process of internationalization of Parma and contribute to the cultural growth of the community.

We try to meet the reading and information needs of EU citizens and non-European residents in the city, foreign students, schools and all of those who are interested in learning or reading other languages.

We propose a number of initiatives and cultural events wishing to promote peoples, civilizations, languages ??and cultures of the world and often that’s the result of close collaboration with the different ethnic, linguistic and religious communities of our territory.

With our documentary heritage of languages ??of the world (books, magazines and newspapers, publications of foreign communities residing in Italy, etc ...), cultural initiatives (Community Corner, Country Focus, presentation of books, seminars, Italian initiatives for foreign groups, reading and speaking in different languages??, insights and language courses, literary appetizers, documentary exhibitions, meetings and debates, cultural insights, documentation and information on foreign countries, foreign language films, film forums, SMILE workshops, summer camp for children and boys, etc ...), educational workshops and collaborations with schools and universities we aim to foreigners or Parma residents, adults, teens and children.

Biblioteca Internazionale Ilaria Alpi - Vicolo delle Asse 5, 43121 Parma, Italy

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