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Registration and Loan

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Iscrizione e Prestito

Like all the libraries in the City of Parma, access to the Ilaria Alpi International Library is free and the services provided are free of charge when they don’t involve direct costs (such as printing and reproduction of documentary materials). See the TARIFF. 

Ilaria Alpi International Library offers study and reading spaces available for adults and children and partially suitable for the use of laptops and they can be accessed freely. 


To take advantage of the other services of the Ilaria Alpi Internationl Library -  as the service of home loan of books and multimedia materials, and the interlibrary loan service - it is necessary to be registered in the Parma Library System. Registration ofr loan services is free of charge and it is valid for all of the libraries in the Province of Parma.

To find out all the details on registration, loan and how to use the Provincial and Extraprovincial Interlibrary Loan Service please refer to the  Guide to Services of Libraries.

All the documents in the library can be borrowed with the exception of newspapers, magazines and dictionaries that are available for consultation on site.


Users can borrow up to 5 documents and the loan has a term of 30 days for the books and 7 days for the DVDs.


There is also the option to extend the loan for a period equivalent to the normal duration of the loan in the event that the document has not been requested by other users. The extension can be done from the day before the expire date of the loan and you can make a maximum of two extensions for the document.


If the document you are looking for is on loan, you can book it. When it returns you will be notified and you’ll have one week time to pick it up.


You can request the library to purchase specific documents by writing an email to bibliotecainternazionale@comune.parma.it and indicating  "REQUEST" as the object of the email. We ask you to specify the title and author of the document along with your data and telephone numbers. If possible, the library will purchase the document and when it becomes available we will notify the user that made the request.


For advices and other informations please contact us:
Tel. (+39) 0521031984

Biblioteca Internazionale Ilaria Alpi - Vicolo delle Asse 5, 43121 Parma, Italy

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